Faith and Health

Health Comes From Above Down and Inside Out

Posted: May 24, 2012
By: Dr Robert Braile

Dependant upon which translation you read, Genesis 1: 26 starts off by saying one of the following:

  • Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
  • Then God said, Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.
  • And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
  • Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;
The key phrase here is at the end of this where each of the translations say, “our likeness” or “to be like us”. Unless you believe that God was only speaking about physical appearances, we can assume that God meant that we should be like Him in both form and structure.
Regardless of how you feel about the book of Genesis and the story of creation of man, the fact remains that the human body is a mastery of creation. Science shows that we have all the defenses and systems to remain healthy throughout the course of our lives, which should be 120 years according to Genesis 6:3.  “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”
I do not believe that God intended those years to be filled with sickness, disease and frailty. Yet, as a society, we consider a person who is 65 years old to be a senior citizen, and someone over 80 to be old. Did God intend for us to spend half of our lives sick and dependant on some form of man made chemical medication?
If such is not the case, then we must look to where we, as individuals, and a society, in general have turned away from God and resulted in our predicament. Now, I for one, do not believe that most people get sick because of some sin they may have committed. However, I do believe that in the absence of following the way God intended for us to live, the absence of this leads to the absence of health.
I disagree with the concept that people “get sick”. Just as the absence of light is darkness, the absence of health is sickness. Darkness does not invade light and cause it to be dark. When light leaves the result is that you are left with darkness. In the same vane, when health leaves what remains is sickness, in its many forms and with many names.
I could write volumes of books on this idea, but the intent of this short article was to raise questions and get you to seek your own answers. My life and my practice are based upon the premise that healing only comes from above. We, as doctors of all kinds, have one fundamental responsibility. That is to remove whatever interference we can find that is getting in the way of the God-given natural healing abilities.
In future issues of this newsletter, we will look at more of these God given abilities and question some of the processes that we, as a society, impose on ourselves that may well be interfering with our health.


In case you are wondering about the picture in this article I'll explain what this is. I was given the wooden hand as a new office gift by a Christian Chiropractor who was attending a talk I was giving. One of the themes of my talks is always, "The Power that made the Body, Heals the Body". When I was given this wooden hand the index finger was pointing up. It immediately inspired me to think that this little "sign" could be used to keep my practice members focused on Who Heals. This sign and hand proudly sits on the mantle in our clinic's education room for all to see.

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