BC Team Meetings and Training

Explaining Scans to a new patient during the examination

Posted: November 12, 2021
By: Dr Bob

This video shows how to do a brief explanation for the Subluxation Scans that are done on the initial visit. More details come later in the new patient booklet given at the Doctor's Report.


Nov. 8, 2021 Inaugural Meeting

Posted: November 8, 2021
By: Dr Bob

Welcome to the Inaugural new Team Meetings. Below will be an audio link to the meeting substance for today for archive and training purposes.

  1. No recordings for this meetings. Future meetings may include audio or video for training.
  2. Invocation
  3. Discussed the meeting formats
  4. Discussed this blog and how to get to the "secret link" to find office calendar and link to this blog.
  5. Talked about growth. Almost all metal/spiritual only small part physical.
  6. Difficulty in staying focused.
  7. Make every patient's day special. "We may see many that day, but they only see us once!"
  8. Growth comes from "Above Down, and from Inside Out." Not outside in.
  9. First re-assessment will be scheduled after first adjustment when patient is new.
  10. On re-examinations Interns will copy cards and prior listings with new findings from examinations.